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Why Test Class in Salesforce is Needed – Its Uses, Importance, and Other Key Details

why Test Class in Salesforce

Salesforce is a star player in the cloud-based software that helps companies handle customer relationships and automate tasks. It comes with various handy features and powerful tools. These tools let developers create specific programs and make Salesforce work exactly how it requires.

The language developers use to create these special programs on Salesforce is called "Apex." It's similar to Java, another popular programming language. Developers use Apex to write special instructions for Salesforce, like telling it how to do specific tasks or connect with other computer systems. Here's where test classes come in.

But why Test Class in Salesforce is needed? Are they necessary? Or What are its benefits?

Relax! We’ve all the answers. This blog will guide you through everything about Salesforce Test Classes, its benefits, how they ensure everything runs smoothly, and how to create it. Plus, we'll share some tips for creating sufficient test classes. So, let’s begin!

What are “Test Classes” in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, Test Class is like a detective. Its job is to check whether every piece of code (like a program or a particular function) is doing its task correctly. Further, these test classes are like mini-programs written in an Apex language. They are similar to hidden tests that don't factor into the final evaluation.

Besides, test classes also help you achieve approximately 75% code coverage, which means it handles more than half of the testing effort. This process resembles testing in Python, where a just-in-time compiler is responsible for evaluating the written code.

Overall, test classes in Salesforce are a crucial part of the development process, securing the quality and reliability of your code by testing its various components in an isolated and controlled environment.

test class example

Why Test Class in Salesforce is Needed?

You need test classes in Salesforce for the following reasons :

Code Quality Management

Test classes are essential for providing the quality and reliability of your Salesforce code. They help identify and catch bugs, errors, and issues in your code before it enters a production environment. It ensures that your application functions correctly and provides a positive user experience.

Code Coverage Requirement

Test Classes fulfill your code coverage requirement. In other words, Salesforce demands a test of a certain percentage of your Apex code before you can deploy it to production. So, test classes are the primary means of achieving this coverage.

Regression Testing

As your Salesforce org evolves and adds new features, it's crucial to ensure that existing functionality remains undamaged. Test classes enable you to perform regression testing, which involves retesting existing code to verify that new changes haven't introduced errors or broken existing features.

Isolation and Controlled Testing

Test classes run in an isolated environment with their data. It allows you to create controlled test scenarios that mimic real-world usage for positive and negative cases. You can verify how your code performs under different conditions.


Test classes serve as a form of documentation for your code. They provide a clear record of how your code is supposed to function, making it easier for other developers and administrators to understand and maintain your code.

Continuous Integration

In modern software development practices, continuous integration and automated testing are crucial. Test classes can be automated and integrated into your development pipeline, allowing for automated testing of new code changes as part of a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process.

Risk Comforting

By thoroughly testing your code using test classes, you reduce the risk of introducing critical issues or breaking existing functionality in your Salesforce org. It helps ensure a stable and reliable environment for your organization.

Essential Points You Should Know Before Writing Test Classes in Salesforce

key points of Test Classes in Salesforce

Before you start writing test classes in Salesforce, it's necessary to keep these key points in mind:

  1. Ensure your test classes cover approximately 75% of the ‘Apex’ code you want to test. Test both the situations where things should work and where they shouldn't (positive and negative scenarios). Don't forget to include edge cases and exceptions.

  2. Setting up the proper data for your tests is crucial. Create the necessary test data within your test class that must be relevant to the test you are conducting. Besides, use bulk data loading and test data factories to save time and resources.

  3. Keep your test classes separate from your production data and environment to prevent interference. Moreover, test classes should create and remove their test data instead of relying on existing production data.

  4. Use assert statements to confirm that your test class evaluates the correct functionality. These statements check the test outcome and compare them to what you expect to see. Additionally, it's helpful to use descriptive and clear assert statements to make the test purpose easily understandable.

  5. Keep your test class consistency maintained with the code you're testing. If you change any part of your code, update your test class accordingly. It will accurately reflect the code's current behavior.


1. Why are Test Classes used?

Ans. Test classes are code segments employed to assess the performance and reliability of other code segments, ensuring that everything operates correctly.

2. Why is testing necessary in Salesforce?

The primary objective of testing is to uncover your product(code) information to deliver it confidently. It highlights the importance of testing in Salesforce. Simply, testing confirms your code’s functionality and allows for the early detection of any possible issues.

3. Who can use Test classes in Salesforce?

Test classes in Salesforce are a fundamental tool used by various roles, including developers, administrators, QA teams, release managers, consultants, and automation systems, to verify the functionality, reliability, and quality of custom code within Salesforce organizations.

Final Words

Test classes in Salesforce are like superheroes for making your custom code work well. They're essential to meet Salesforce's rules and to avoid problems in your apps. When you use them right, your Salesforce applications become better, less error-prone, and more user-friendly, which means happier customers and a more successful business.

Check our other Salesforce-related articles: How to Write Test Class in Salesforce.

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