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Consumers are now more connected than ever, so this is a major challenge for retailers who need to retain their customers and reduce their expenses. The platforms used and good accessibility will therefore influence consumer choice and behavior.

Retail is a fundamental sector of trade: it includes activities of selling goods to the final consumer. Retailers buy large quantities of goods from wholesalers and then sell them in small quantities to final customers; they may also sell products of their own production directly. 
To optimise these activities, retail must increase its visibility and for this, social networks, whose audience is real today, remain the most effective means.
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Cloud Sylla has the right tools for consumer goods companies. Cloud Sylla implements these tools according to the specific needs of each company. It gives your company the ability to track every piece of data, create dashboards, automate messages and truly understand key performance indicators. 
This will enable the establishment of close links with customers. 
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The use of these tools allows for a more efficient sharing of information and an opening to the outside world. With Cloud Sylla, you will have information on when to contact a specific customer again and what they are looking for. 
This will allow you to have a 360° view of the customer and to update all information about your customers and their activity within your company.
Retail, therefore, is critical to the success of the consumer goods industry and to summarise Cloud Sylla will make it easier for you to:
-Contact management
-The sales process: prospecting, qualification, proposal, negotiation... 
-for a smooth and easy customer journey
And finally, it will facilitate exchanges between the sales and marketing teams within the company.
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