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Salesforce Skinny Tables: Using Skinny Tables to Contain Frequently Used Fields

In the world of Salesforce, optimizing data access and query performance is crucial for efficient operations. One way to achieve this is through the use of skinny tables. Skinny tables are a powerful tool that allows you to store frequently used fields separately, improving query speed and overall system performance. In this article, we will explore the concept of skinny tables, their benefits, and how to leverage them effectively in your Salesforce implementation.

How Skinny Tables Work?

When a skinny table is created, Salesforce automatically maintains a replica of the selected object's data. This replica includes only the specified fields, which are denormalized for faster access. The skinny table is updated in real-time whenever the source object's data changes, ensuring data integrity.

When a query is executed, Salesforce's query optimizer evaluates whether a skinny table can be used to satisfy the query. If the query involves fields present in a skinny table, Salesforce uses the skinny table instead of the original object. This optimization minimizes the need for complex joins and significantly improves query performance.

Benefits of Using Skinny Tables

Using skinny tables in your Salesforce implementation offers several benefits:

a) Improved Query Performance

Skinny tables allow for faster query execution by reducing the number of joins required. Queries that involve frequently used fields can leverage the denormalized data stored in skinny tables, resulting in significant performance improvements.

b) Enhanced User Experience

With faster query response times, users can experience a more responsive and efficient application. This can lead to increased productivity and improved user satisfaction.

c) Minimized Impact on Salesforce Limits

Skinny tables are separate database objects, which means they have their own limits independent of the source object. By offloading frequently used fields to skinny tables, you can reduce the impact on the limits of the original object, such as the maximum number of fields or the number of relationships.

Considerations for Implementing Skinny Tables

Salesforce Skinny Tables

Before implementing skinny tables, it is important to consider the following:

a) Query Frequency and Complexity

Skinny tables are most effective when used for fields that are frequently accessed and involved in complex queries. Identify the fields that are accessed frequently and consider whether their inclusion in a skinny table would provide noticeable performance improvements.

b) Data Update Frequency

Since skinny tables are updated in real-time, consider the frequency of updates to the source object's data. If the data changes frequently, the overhead of maintaining the skinny table might outweigh the performance benefits.

c) Storage Space

Skinny tables require additional storage space to store the denormalized data. Evaluate the impact on your organization's data storage limits and ensure you have sufficient space available.

Best Practices for Skinny Table Usage

To make the most out of skinny tables, consider the following best practices:

a) Select Fields Carefully

Choose the fields for inclusion in the skinny table wisely. Focus on frequently accessed fields and avoid unnecessary duplication.

b) Regularly Monitor Performance

Keep a close eye on the performance of queries that utilize skinny tables. Regularly monitor and fine-tune the usage of skinny tables to ensure optimal performance.

c) Consider Performance Trade-Offs

While skinny tables offer performance benefits, they also introduce additional maintenance overhead. Strike a balance between the performance gains and the cost of maintaining skinny tables.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Skinny Tables

Creating a skinny table in Salesforce involves the following steps:

  • Identify the object and fields to be included in the skinny table.

  • Enable the "Skinny Table" option for the selected object.

  • Specify the fields to be included in the skinny table.

  • Save and activate the skinny table.

Monitoring and Maintaining Skinny Tables

To ensure the ongoing performance of skinny tables, follow these maintenance practices:

  • Regularly review query performance and make adjustments as needed.

  • Monitor the storage usage of skinny tables and manage storage limits accordingly.

  • Keep an eye on data update frequency and evaluate the need for including or excluding fields from the skinny table.


Skinny tables are a valuable tool for optimizing query performance in Salesforce. By selectively storing frequently used fields in separate tables, you can enhance the speed and efficiency of your application. However, it is essential to carefully consider the fields to include, monitor performance, and strike a balance between performance gains and maintenance overhead.

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