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What is Salesforce Sandbox and why is it Used?

Salesforce Sandboxes provide a significant level of agility and flexibility. It allows developers and administrators to make changes quickly in their production org.

Keep reading to learn more about Salesforce Sandboxes and how you can use it.

What is Salesforce Sandbox?

Salesforce Sandbox is a separate instance of the Salesforce platform used for development and testing purposes. The sandbox environment allows developers, administrators, and testers to make changes and test new configurations, customizations, and integrations without affecting the production environment.

The sandbox environment is an exact copy of the production environment, including all of the data, custom objects, and custom fields. Hence making it easy to test and validate changes before they are deployed to the production environment, ensuring that they will work as expected and not impact the live system.

What are the Types of Salesforce Sandbox?

Salesforce Sandbox is a powerful tool that enables organizations to test new functionalities, customizations, and configurations in a controlled environment before implementing them in their live Salesforce org.

Sandboxing ensures that any changes made in the testing environment do not affect the live org and allows organizations to experiment and make mistakes without risk. Several types of Salesforce Sandboxes are suited for specific use cases.

Developer Sandbox

A Developer Sandbox is a full copy of your production org and is designed for individual developers to test and refine their customizations and configurations. This sandbox is great for testing new code, troubleshooting issues, and working on smaller projects.

It is also a great tool for developers to collaborate and share their work with others on their team.

Partial Copy Sandbox

A Partial Copy Sandbox is a smaller version of your production org and contains only a portion of the data and configurations. This sandbox type is ideal for organizations that need to test larger projects, such as data migrations, without consuming a lot of disk space.

It is also a great option for organizations that need to test their applications with a subset of their actual data.

Full Sandbox

A Full Sandbox is an exact copy of your production org, including all data and configurations. This sandbox type is perfect for organizations that need to perform full regression testing or those who want to test their applications with the same data and configurations as their live org.

Full Sandboxes are the most resource-intensive type of sandbox, and organizations should only use them when necessary.

Developer Pro Sandbox

A Developer Pro Sandbox is similar to a Developer Sandbox but has more disk space and other resources. It is suitable for organizations that require a larger testing environment for their development and testing needs.

Performance Sandbox

A Performance Sandbox is a full copy of your production org but with limited data and configurations. This sandbox type is ideal for organizations that need to test their applications' performance, such as load and stress testing.

Performance Sandboxes optimize performance testing. Therefore organizations should only use them for this purpose.

What are the Salesforce Developer Sandbox Considerations?

Salesforce Developer Sandboxes are essential for organizations to test and refine their customizations and configurations in a controlled environment. However, there are several considerations that organizations should keep in mind when using Developer Sandboxes. These are as follows:

Data Considerations:

Developer Sandboxes are a copy of your production org, including all data. It is essential to ensure that sensitive data is protected and that you have the necessary data for your testing purposes. Consider using data masking to protect sensitive data or a Partial Copy Sandbox to only copy the data you need for testing purposes.

Disk Space Considerations:

A developer's sandbox has a limited amount of disk space, so organizations should avoid using it excessively. Therefore, regularly check your disk space usage and archive or delete data no longer needed to free up space.

Time-to-Refresh Considerations:

Keeping your sandbox up-to-date is essential, so you should understand the time to refresh. It will help you plan your testing activities and ensure that your testing environment is up-to-date.

User Considerations

Individual developers typically use Developer Sandboxes, so ensuring that the right users have access to the sandbox and the necessary permissions to carry out their testing activities is essential.

Test Plan Considerations

Before using a Developer Sandbox, it is essential to have a clear test plan in place. This plan should outline the objectives of the testing, the scope of the testing, and the timeline for testing.

Collaboration Considerations:

Having a clear collaboration plan is essential if multiple developers are working on the same project. As a result, everyone will work toward the same goals, and you can properly integrate the project's various components.

What are the Uses of Salesforce Sandbox?

Salesforce Sandbox is a powerful tool that enables organizations to test new functionalities, customizations, and configurations in a controlled environment before implementing them in their live Salesforce org. There are several key uses of Salesforce Sandbox, including:

Customization Testing:

Organizations can use Sandboxes to test their customizations and configurations before implementing them in their live org. It includes custom objects, fields, workflows, page layouts, and other customizations. By testing these customizations in a controlled environment, organizations can ensure they work as expected without unintended consequences.

Data Migration Testing:

Sandboxes allow organizations to test their data migrations and ensure the process goes smoothly. The tool also includes testing the data mapping, quality, and integrity. By testing data migrations in a Sandbox, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss or corruption during the migration process.

Application Testing:

Users can test Salesforce applications, including custom and third-party applications, in sandboxes. By testing applications in a controlled environment, organizations can ensure that their applications work as expected and do not have any unintended consequences.

Performance Testing:

Organizations can use Sandboxes to test their Salesforce org's performance, including testing their applications' load and stress. By testing the performance of their org in a controlled environment, organizations can identify any performance issues and optimize their org for better performance.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

Sandboxes lets organizations conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to ensure that their customizations and configurations meet the needs of their users.

Training and Development:

Providing a training and development environment is easy for Organizations by using Sandboxes. Moreover, it allows users and developers to learn and experiment with the Salesforce platform.


In conclusion, Salesforce Sandboxes are a valuable tool for organizations to test and refine their customizations, configurations, and applications in a controlled environment. By using Sandboxes, organizations can ensure the success of their projects, minimize the risk of errors, and ensure that their orgs are functioning optimally.

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